
AMBOH Espadrille Shoe Workshop
AMBOH Espadrille Shoe Workshop

Do you know the slip on shoes from Europe called “espadrilles”? The shoe soles are made using jute that does not hold heat easily, making them perfect to wear barefoot in the summer.

“AMBOH espadrille” is an espadrille shop in Phnom Penh. It’s workshop is located on the second floor of a fashionably refurbished villa. While the manufacturing room is not so large and the materials are stored in a small space, the staff says it’s cool and comfortable due to the air conditioning.

The founder is Sebastien Gertgen, originally from France. After moving to Cambodia and living in this country for a year and a half, he began to think about trying to make something using Cambodian raw materials. Sebastien spoke about the motive behind the start of his shop, saying, “I had not seen any shoes of quality or design that I particularly liked. At that time I saw the espadrilles my friend bought in France and thought they would be perfect for hot Cambodia.”

For Sebastien this was the fi rst time making something by hand, so he devoted about 6 months to market research, product manufacturing and other preparations. Starting sales from January of this year, though he doesn’t sell his products through a shop, sales are good and he currently sells an average of 200 pairs a month. During our interview we saw many customers come and go, reflecting how popular these shoes are. Now he is working on completing the website to pursue sales overseas as most of the customers are tourists.

One feature of these espadrilles is the use of jute rope, produced in China, woven around the sole. The great breathability and cushion go well with the host climate.

They buy large portions of fabric at  the Orussey Market. Kroma cloth is popular, but there are many other designs available.

All production is done by hand. fabric is cut to fit the shape, and the logo is stamped on the inside fabric.

The outside and inner fabric are sewn together. They hire people who have sewing skills already, so there doesn’t seem to be any special training.

The fabric and sole are sewn together while the shape is being arranged, finally every nook and cranny of the shoe is checled. Thida, who has been working here since the founding, is in charge of this very important process. On average, about 300 pairs are manufactured in one month at the work shop.

Sebastien decided to move here while visiting his ilder brother who has been living in Phnom Penh for 9 years. His brother’s company occupies the first floor of the same building as Sebastien’s workshop. 




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