
Taking Cambodia’s wonderful “works” to the world. Handmade original crafts from various regions
Taking Cambodia’s wonderful “works” to the world. Handmade original crafts from various regions

“very berry” is a Cambodian crafts brand managed by a Japanese lady. Ms. Nakagawa, the owner and designer, arrived in Siem Reap in 2005. After some years in a local travel agency she founded the brand in 2009. They make and sell apparel, accessories and bags and the like. Their “Water Hyacinth Bag” – made from a water plant of Tonle Sap Lake – is their most well-known product and is a popular item in the NyoNyum shop front. And very berry shop in Siem Reap stocks many Cambodian originals, as well as items carefully selected by Ms. Nakagawa – whose fashion flair is on full display.

“While working at the travel agent I was asked many times for recommendations on Cambodian souvenirs, but most options at the time were made abroad. So being a craft – and Cambodia – enthusiast, I set out to share “Made in Cambodia” goods with the world. I travelled to regional Cambodia in search of materials and craftsmen that would match together to create new products. I made the designs myself and employed Cambodians to do the handiwork. There were conflicts with craftsmen due to differing values. There were times I was like ‘Why!?’, but for the craftsmen it was just normal. But coming from different cultures and upbringings these things were bound to happen – at times I feel I could have not looked down on them so much. Through these experiences and failures, I learnt that sometimes I needed to treat them as an equal or even as a superior (lol) – letting them know that I wanted to create quality items together. Even now I rely on trial and error for product development.

I continue to enjoy new challenges and am currently working on preparing a workshop near Tonle Sap Lake.” With a positive outlook, she will continue to make strides ahead into the future, employing more craftsmen from various regions.





2024.06.07 特集記事生活情報誌ニョニュム読み物


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