
The buses run about every 10-15 mins from 5.30 in the morning until 8.30 in the evening.【City Bus】
The buses run about every 10-15 mins from 5.30 in the morning until 8.30 in the evening.【City Bus】

“Phnom Penh City Bus” started as a capital public transport system, with Japan’s support, in 2014 – with just a single line. Four years on, there are now 8 lines servicing a wider area – by changing the lines, you can reach many different areas in Phnom Penh. After riding different modes of transport in Phnom Penh, the buses will conclude our transport report. We went from the airport to downtown, changed buses and jumped off near NyoNyum’s offi ce. How did we go? We got amongst the locals and went for a ride…

Boarding Bus 3 in front of the airport

After getting off the train, we walked out of Line 04, and to the bus stop right out the front of the airport. We boarded Line 3 and headed east toward the city center.

All the bus stops on this line are written on the signboard at the bus stop. The bus which stops at the front of the airport (Line 3) is blue. Each line has a different color.

Fares are paid when boarding – by putting monies into the box beside the driver. Fares are a reasonable 1500 riel per person per ride, for each line – no matter how far you ride. The longer you travel the better the value.

The receipt received after paying the fare. There’s no one checking the receipts onboard or when alighting.

The interior of the buses look like this – the same as Japanese buses. This bus is from China, but this year will see 80 buses donated by Japan. Apart from this, Japan is also supporting by dispatching experts to help improve the management of the system.

Alight next to Central Market

Nearing our stop, we press the button to let the driver know. By the way, without any announcements or information displays on the bus’s whereabouts, you have to rely on your familiarity with the surroundings. We alighted at a stop near Central Market, and using the app “Stops Near Me” searched out the nearest bus stop for the next line we would ride.

The app shows all the stops on the lines like this, and using GPS shows your current location, so you can see how far from the next stop you are while still on the bus.

Changing to the Line 1 bus

We change to Line 1, which runs north-south down Monivong Blvd. As the number of bus services have increased, the areas we can travel to have expanded.

The bus approaches – and a quick picture with the lady we were waiting with.

Inside the bus she lets me know she uses the buses whenever she goes shopping. As well as the school kids earlier, the buses have become a part of life for the general public.

Alighting at the bus stop near our off ice

We make it to the bus stop at the intersection of Monivong Blvd. and Mao Tse Toung Blvd. – the closest one to the NyoNyum offi ce. We alight and it’s a 5 minute walk back to the offi ce. It was quite a smooth 40 minute ride, on the two buses from the airport to the offi ce in Boeung Trobaek area. And what’s more, the total cost came to just 3000 riel. We made it back to the offi ces for a dirt cheap price – a taxi from the

airport would have been $12, or by Tuk Tuk, $9. On top of this the buses have very chilly air conditioning, we were cold! We need to bring appropriate clothes to put on next time.

• There are currently 9 lines in operation throughout

Phnom Penh

• The fares are 1500 riel per person per ride for each line

– regardless of distance traveled

• Services run every 10-15 mins from 5.30am to 8.30pm

• The app “Stops Near Me” is useful for fi nding bus stops

• With no announcements or displays showing the stops,

for people not familiar with Phnom Penh, it might be

hard to use the services

• As they run on ordinary roads, of course the services

are at the whim of traffi c conditions

When the public bus services started in Phnom Penh in 2014, there was a feeling of entering a new age, “At last, Cambodia has a public transport system”. But also there was a concern; “Would people who are so used to the convenience of “door to door” transport via motorbike, car or Tuk Tuk take the bus system?”. However, having now ridden the buses, I feel as though to an extent the system is permeating into the lives of residents. With the expanding area of service and apps (showing the line and stops) to help get around, the buses seem to be a convenient mode of transport around Phnom Penh.





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