Silk House is an experience-based facility that conveys the silk tradition. You can observe how silk cocoons are spun and how craftsmen weave silk.
In this event, Ms. Vannary will presentation about how did she protect Cambodian traditional silk and the story about “Cambodian Silk Brand”.
After that Ms. Vannary will guide us to the Silk House!
In addition, silk handkerchiefs dyed in the workshop can be brought back as a gift.
You can also shop for high quality silk products at the venue!
※ The event will be held in English ※
28th JULY(SUN) 10am〜1pm
▼Time table
Ms. Vannary who is silk house owner presentation
Silk house tour!
Experience dye the silk handkerchief (45/45cm)
you can get silk handkerchief!
you can choose the dye color red and yellow, blue!!
khmer lunch
Silk house
(15 minutes by tuktuk from Tuol Tompoung Market. )
$30(include silk handkerchief work shop fee and khmer lunch)
this tour is not include transportation.
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