ニョニュム86号のプノンペンの夜の楽しみ方特集<セレブ編>で紹介した郵便局前にあるおしゃれフレンチレストランの「Van’s Restaurant」が、2017年12月で10周年!
Dear Valued Customers,
December 2017 will be Van’s Restaurant 10th year anniversary. The entire team and I would like to take this opportunity to extend our thanks to all the people who have helped make the last ten years possible and who have been part of our ongoing story.
We hope that you will continue that journey with us as we enter our second decade of serving the public the very best dining experience.
To the tradesmen, workmen, designers, and architects who have helped with the renovation and maintenance of this wonderful building, your contributions have been invaluable in ensuring this little piece of architectural history is preserved in the face of so much modern development. And to all our suppliers, who ensure that only the finest ingredients reach the Van’s kitchen, and the finest wines to our tables, our sincere thanks for being an integral part of this gastronomic story.
Come to celebrate with us during this month of December and you will receive a souvenir gift !
Warmest regards,
Porleng Van
Van’s Restaurant
Place: Street 102. House N.5 Phnom Penh
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/apYQyNccWAo
Tel: 023 722 067
HP: http://vans-restaurant.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vansrestaurant/
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