Find anything from souvenirs and clothing to food at this “general department store”
The iconic Central Market is representative of Phnom Penh’s shopping precinct. The center of the marketplace features a dome, and from there the streets span out in an ‘X’ shape, the unique feat of a French architect, completed in 1937.
According to the market’s management offices, the store count over 3,000. “From head to toe, everything you need is available here,” from food and electronics, to clothing, daily necessities, jewelry and even beauty salons and fortunetelling parlors. As the most famous marketplace among tourists, souvenir stores are one of the market’s specialties, and the tightly-packed stores are always overfl owing with both locals and travelers, and ringing with the lively calls of shopkeepers.
Sticky Rice-Based Sweets
Glutinous rice is placed on a crepe-like rice flour wrap, wrapped along with finely cut coconut, fruit, and sugar. One wrap costs 1,000 riel.
Stores from the east to the north side offer t-shirts, scarves, souvenirs, and artwork. The west side is home to the covered with foodstuff shops and open-air food markets, and the south to southeast side features kitchenware and daily necessities. The central dome is lined with accessory, watch and jewelry shops.
Souvenirs / Ms. Sreymom (20)
“Scarves are popular. Cotton items start from around US$ 2, with silk items from US$ 5 to US$10, all perfect as souvenirs!
Tailor / Ms. Chenda (34)
“A custom casual shirt or pair of pants starts from US$ 10, with custom dresses available from as low as US$ 40.”
Jewelry / Mr. Hong (29)
“We carry Cambodian precious stones from Ratanakiri and Pailin provinces. Jewelry starts from a reasonable US$ 8 per carat, ranging from US$ 100 to US$1,000 for higher-end pieces!”
2024.06.07 特集記事生活情報誌ニョニュム読み物
2024.02.16 特集記事生活情報誌ニョニュム
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